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Name :   Susan Conway
Email address :
Comment (50 words max) :   Clayton- Congratulations on your web site! I was impressed with all the work you put into it and it feels wonderful to know that there are people who loved the show as much as we loved working on it. You're enlivening happy memories. Thank you so much!
Home Town :   Toronto
Name and E-mail :   Syme Jago -
Comment (48 words max) :   Your site has brought back some wonderful memories for me. I'll see if I can find you some photos
Home Town and Date :   Toronto - June 20, 2001
Name and E-mail :   Soren
Comment (48 words max) :   Hi Clay, I was a great fan of 'Indian River', how it was called in Denmark, and I want to ask if you know the title of the episode where there are 2 or 3 divers diving in the lake. Thanks a lot.
Home Town and Date :   Denmark - July 22-2001
Name and E-mail :   Paul Almond:
Comment (48 words max) :   this is a great site! I just learned from it about all the actors I once directed, and also sadly Maxine had gone to join the great majority. Thanks!
Home Town and Date :   SHigawake, Que 8/20/01
Name and E-mail :   Rex Hagon
Comment (48 words max) :   Great site! What a labour of love. It brought back a lot of terrific memories. So where's my picture?
Home Town and Date :   Toronto/Sept 10th 2001
Name and E-mail :   Felicity Bath
Comment (48 words max) :   My father, John Bath, will be very pleased to hear there is a website for The Forest Rangers. My father composed the theme for the TV show. He is 86 now.
Home Town and Date :   Los Angeles, 11/7/01
Name and E-mail :   Peter Tully
Comment (48 words max) :   Clayton, I am very much alive! However, I gave up acting and now lecture in Electronic Engineering. Congratulations, you have great taste. It is a great site and it brought back a lot of memories. Thanks a lot!
Home Town and Date :   Dublin, Ireland
Name and E-mail :   Janice Maloney-Brooks
Comment (48 words max) :   My husband and I watch FR every night!Little did we know were were both fanatics as kids and now share it again. Someone ought to merchandise the sweatshirts...I'd buy one. I'm sure loads of middle-agers would!
Home Town and Date :   Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Name and E-mail :   Brian Russell (
Comment (48 words max) :   What a wonderful series. I remember it from my childhood and credit it with my love of Canada and the arctic. But why does everybody else think I'm mad?
Home Town and Date :   Blackpool, England 27 Dec 2001
Name and E-mail :   Constance Cryderman
Comment (48 words max) :   I think that It is really great to find a web site that mentions my Dad Name (Eric Cryderman) he played as Matt Craig in the fire tower
Home Town and Date :   Whitby ont Jan11 2002
Name and E-mail :   ilovmusc@telusplanet .net
Comment (48 words max) :   I find great joy in watching and listenning to the Forest Rangers, I watched a French version recently- I didn't understand to many words.. the back ground music created the whole sense of the show.
Home Town and Date :   Edmonton 01/21/02
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Comment (48 words max) :   After I met my girlfriend, there was something strangely reminiscent about her that had quietly tugged at me for six months. Finally, it dawned on me that she reminded me of Susan Conway from the Forest Rangers. Since my girlfried is American, I had to go and see.
Home Town and Date :   New West, BC - Jan 30, 2002
Name and E-mail :   Lucy Riley
Comment (48 words max) :   Tooo Coool. I can't thank you enough for this trip down memory lane. I still have the walkie-talkies my friends and I made during our many "forest rangers" play dates. thanks a bunch.
Home Town and Date :   Oliver, BC Jan. 30, 2002
Name and E-mail :   Sue ~~
Comment (48 words max) :   Enjoyed the program when I was young, remember watching it at the hunting camp with my grandfather. Now I got my young son hooked on it too. Have to admit we sit down and watch it together. Enjoy the site. Thanks for the terrific memories.
Home Town and Date :   Gogama ~~~ 2002-02-02
Name and E-mail :   Geoff Allshorn,
Comment (48 words max) :   A great kids' show and many special memories. The show was telecast here in black & white in the 1960s. I can still whistle the captivating music - does that make me an honorary Canadian? Thanks to all for the show and to Clayton for a great web site.
Home Town and Date :   Melbourne Australia, 7 Feb 2002
Name and E-mail :   Karl Kaesmodel
Comment (48 words max) :   XNY556,A for apple....this was my favorite show growing up in Sudbury, Ontario in the 60's and was so happy to watch it after our family moved to British Columbia in the 70's. As a young boy hiking, camping and canoeing around Kelowna with friends.
Home Town and Date :   Edmonton,Alberta
Name and E-mail :   matthew ferguson
Comment (48 words max) :   I cant believe it. I am so delighted. I want to be at the next reunion. What a wonderful time we had making the show - great memories. Would love to see you all again. For information about me go to
Home Town and Date :   Boat of Garten, Scotland
Name and E-mail :   Ralph Endersby
Comment (48 words max) :   Congratulations Clayton. Thanks for adding a great new dimension to the show. The Forest Rangers was a special part of my life. I met hundreds of wonderful people and had many incredible experiences. We can all be proud of our contributions.
Home Town and Date :   Toronto, February 2002
Name and E-mail :   Jonathan Rogers
Comment (48 words max) :   Great site Clayton!! I absolutely loved the show .... I'm sure my love of Canada was kindled by the Forest Rangers all those years ago. Never underestimate what a TV series can do for a country's tourist industry :)
Home Town and Date :   Richmond, Surrey. England
Name and E-mail :   Bill Huston
Comment (48 words max) :   I have been looking for this program for years. No one here in Pennsylvania remembers it. It aired on WJAC ch. 6 from Johnstown, Pa each afternoon. I was envious of the Jr Rangers riding snowmobiles, wanted one my self!!
Home Town and Date :   Elizabeth, Pennsylvania March 9. 2002
Name and E-mail :   Phil Yakymishen/
Comment (48 words max) :   Calling XNY556A/apple. Great site,I watch the show in reruns everytime I can. Sad to see some of the stars passing away, I grew up watching them, they seem like old friends.
Home Town and Date :   Summerland, B.C./Mar. 16/02
Name and E-mail :   Mike
Comment (48 words max) :   In the past year, out of nowhere I have had "XNY556" pop into my head, and it took a while until it occurred to me where I might have remembered it from - this website has confirmed it! I saw most of the original episiodes.
Home Town and Date :   Edmonton, Alberta May 10/2002
Name and E-mail :   Pat Shaw
Comment (48 words max) :   Nice to see other English people remember this wonderful old series as fondly as I do. I still occassionally receive mail from Sgt. Scott, even after all these years!! Keep up the good work!
Home Town and Date :   Cannock, UK 10.05.02
Name and E-mail :   Grace Franklin
Comment (48 words max) :   Forest Rangers is the best show I have ever seen. I especially like it because it a Canadian show and you don't see too many of those these days. I also like Forest Rangers because children are the main characters. Grace Franklin Age 16
Home Town and Date :   Vars, Ontario 12 May, 2002
Name and E-mail :   Bill Corcoran
Comment (48 words max) :   What a wonderful find and so many memories. I was Peter Tullys stand in and stunt double for several seasons on the show. I was bit by the bug and grew up on the farm beside the studio and now after 43 years continue in the film and TV business as a director
Home Town and Date :   Los Angeles, CA
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Comment (48 words max) :   This was my favourite show on TV as a kid growing up in Australia. What a great site you have put together about it, thanks heaps!
Home Town and Date :   Kempsey, NSW, Aust.
Name and E-mail :   dave price
Comment (48 words max) :   As a kid i watched the show, and thought it would be cool to live in a fort. 30 and some years later my niece and nephew think the same way after seeing it ytv. great site
Home Town and Date :   london ont. june 13 2002
Name and E-mail :   Alberto Cordoba
Comment (48 words max) :   Hello! Sorry, I not speak inghlis. But, Wonderful you web site. I watch in Argentina as a boy and want to be Canadian.
Home Town and Date :   Argentina
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Comment (48 words max) :   XNY 556 A for Apple -- Do you read me? Holy mackerel, thanks!! I just blissed out to the theme music. I'm so glad The Forest Rangers live on.
Home Town and Date :   Vancouver, B.C. June 20, 2002
Name and E-mail :   Mike Higgs
Comment (48 words max) :   What can I say...thanks I'm watching the show as I write. A wonderful warm feeling looking back at the show thru your site. Great to hear where the kids and everyone is now. Heck we grew up with these kids, Pete and Chub they were or extended family thank
Home Town and Date :   Halifax Nova Scotia 15 Jul 02
Name and E-mail :   carl jensen
Comment (48 words max) :   loved the show, when i was a kid.couldn't wait for show each week.still watch from time to time.can't remember, did trudy young appear on show? thanks.carl
Home Town and Date :   halifax , july 2002
Name and E-mail :   david deyo
Comment (48 words max) :   watched forest rangers as kid now sit down and watch them with my kids 13 and 4
Home Town and Date :   gloucester ont july 29 2002
Name and E-mail :   Stephanie
Comment (48 words max) :   Yet another beautiful creation, Clay. Keep up the good work.
Home Town and Date :   Bowmanville, August 01/02
Name and E-mail :   Eric Donnelly
Comment (48 words max) :   Just found this site and it brings back a whole "canoe full of memories" for me! Rushing home from school anxious to see Kathy whom I had a huge crush on back then! Canadian television at it's finest!
Home Town and Date :   Whitby, 2001/08/01
Name and E-mail :   Helene Pineau,
Comment (48 words max) :   Just looking back with great affection and nostalgia at a tv show that shaped my childhood - it is truly a Canadian classic
Home Town and Date :   Chapleau Ontario, August 5, 2002
Name and E-mail :
Comment (48 words max) :   This show was a Canadian classic while I was growing -up. I would love a copy of the them song and the series tapes for my archives. I'm sure my children would love it as much as I did growing up. I would put it next to Mr. Dress-Up & The Friendly Giant,
Home Town and Date :   Toronto Aug - 2002
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Comment (48 words max) :   Wonderful x 48!
Home Town and Date :   London, Ontario 08/15/02
Name and E-mail :   jake jacob
Comment (48 words max) :   I wish , for a sequel forest ranger or a film about the tv series,That is who we are Canadian,then we were!
Home Town and Date :   quebec aug15 2002
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Comment (48 words max) :   Thanks for the web page. Many, many memories!! Gary
Home Town and Date :   Lakefield, Ontario August 15, 2002
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Comment (48 words max) :   Hi, I'm a french Canadian, As all the people who signed your Guessbook , I was a fan of the Forest Rangers. I'm happy to be able now to watch the show on his original version on TV Land.
Home Town and Date :   Quebec City 08/26/2002
Name and E-mail :   Gord Jones
Comment (48 words max) :   Thanks for the great website. Forest Rangers was one of my favourite shows when I was young. Now I can enjoy the show again with my 8yr old son. Thanks to you and all the people involved in making such a wonderfull program!
Home Town and Date :   Stoney Creek Ont
Name and E-mail :   Eric Rodriguez
Comment (48 words max) :   My favorite TV show in the early 70s when I was growing up in the Philippines. I also developed an intense crush on Kathy. It never occured to me back then that after 20 years, Canada would be my new home and actually live not far from where it all happened
Home Town and Date :   Markham, Ontario August 28, 2002
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Comment (48 words max) :   At last! I thought I would go mad trying to get friends and family to remember this show. No one did! I could even remember the theme tune, but no one else remembered anything about the show. I will point all my friends here so I can prove The Forest Rangers existed.
Home Town and Date :   Kingston on Thames 30/08/02
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